

崇百國際 & 得萬利科技 數十年來從事於功能性薄膜,新世代功能性材料之銷售、研發、製造,運用於Coreless、IC、LCD、PCB、FPCB、FCCL等產業應用之薄膜材料研發與製造。以最先進之日美技術為基礎,結合業界之先進研發一系列基材,以精密自動化之生產設備,製作高品質產品,不僅可協助客戶提升生產技術、降低成本,更有效提高產品等級。透過嚴謹的檢測儀器控管,運用精密且可靠度高的設備,能在這多樣化的產品時代,使客戶取得絕對優勢達到最高之效益。



◎資本額:新台幣 三億六千萬

◎工廠面積:10,000 米平方

◎公司地址 :

新北廠 : 新北市五股區新北產業園區五工二路106巷3號

彰化廠 : 彰化縣溪州鄉溪州村11鄰俊智路99號


◎ISO 9001:2015 UKS認證通過, UL 認證 NO. E253846

About Tech Advance / Introduction

Trobartech & Tech Advance has been engaged in the application and development of functional films. Initially, Tech Advance processed and marketed them to the whole world. To meet all the customers' need, we are successful to develop and produce Functional films applied in IC、LCD、Coreless、PCB、FPCB、FCCL industrial and we adopt advanced techniques from Japan and America by combining a series of practical technology. With these techniques and the advanced production equipment, we can produce a series of good quality products. To upgrade the quality of our products, we also install excellent equipments on our Q.C. system.

These years Tech Advance has devoted in green products development and production. We get supports and assis- tance from IDB Taiwan & ITRI, to develop Innovative TWL Green Cushion Pad Successfully. TWL-Green Cushion Pad to switch or reduce Virgin pulp Kraft paper used in CCL、PCB hot pressing, Virgin pulp paper come from trees, forest which preserved water、CO2、earth, the important balance of Global environment. It's Green application will be a Key career in PCB, CCL development. It's Excellent performance to support HDI Industrial in Great China and world Market!

◎ Established Date:March. 2004

◎ Capital:USD 12 Million

◎ Plant Area:10,000 SQ. Meters

◎ Location:No. 3, Lane 106, Wu Kong 2 Road, Wu Ku Industrial Zone, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan

◎ Main Products:Sale and Manufacture of correlated products in optical materials, functional films, FPCB

◎ ISO 9001:2015 is certified in June, 2005/7/15 UL Certification: NO. 253846

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